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Lie detector - a polygraph test

Our agency guarantees efficiency, effectiveness and total privacy.

We are working even with anonymous clients.

Claudia P.

My son has gone to work abroad. At first, he called, and then was gone, and I could not contact him. I was worried and asked the detective agency. They helped me find him.

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I thank the staff of detective agency "Private detective Nikolaev" for checking my machine for "bugs". We have to find these devices and my car was in front of me, not stolen and resold.

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I saw the car at the car, which had long dreamed of, but could not afford to buy a new salon. But here everything is in great condition and the price is acceptable, even managed to haggle a bit. That's me and guard. Before buying decided to check. It turned out that he is listed as stolen. Thank you, was saved from numerous problems.

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Lie detector - a polygraph test

Polygraph testing

To date, methods of obtaining information are developing at a faster pace, so the methods of protection of confidential information are becoming more relevant. They allow you to control the work of subordinates and promptly identify dishonest employees. These methods include check and a polygraph.

Polygraph or lie detector - this is equipment that captures the variety of human responses to external stimuli that are psychological in nature . In many developed countries polygraph test refers to the mandatory procedure before being hired . Thus verified business skills of applicants veracity of the information they provided , the purpose of the device on the robot. In the labor contracts of large enterprises registered a point where in the case of an internal investigation of a polygraph test is mandatory.

Lie detector in Nikolaev used to test people who find themselves in a variety of situations. Feel free to ask for testing to the detective agency " Private detective Nikolaev" if:

you want to check personal and work as a candidate for a specific position ;

you want to test the loyalty of the staff of the company ;

the company has leaked confidential information;

you doubt the fidelity of his partner in life ;

you want the crime was solved as soon as possible .

Psychological study of man - it is one of the most complex processes. In such delicate matters as the assessment of staff , or check on her husband's infidelity , the cost of failure is very high. Therefore, the polygraph test should be carried out by high quality experts . Our agency has a skilled polygraph examiner with a lot of experience , and a psychologist with medical education.

The agency " Private detective Nikolaev" you can check out a polygraph subordinates or applicants for employment . With the help of a polygraph in Nikolaev evaluate personal qualities of the man , his passions and addictions (drug addiction , smoking, alcoholism) , establish goals pursued by a person applying for a job. If a person refuses to undergo such a test , it should alert you . Such a refusal may indicate that he has something to hide , because the fool this device is virtually impossible.

Professional Polygraph testing is a complex approach that avoids any mistakes. In today's world it is the most effective way to research that offers psychology . Using the services of the polygraph, you can find accurate information about the people around you , will be able to plan their activities and avoid financial trouble. When ordering services lie detector , the price should not worry you - the results are worth it.