
+38 (096) 691-07-07


Our agency guarantees efficiency, effectiveness and total privacy.

We are working even with anonymous clients.

Grateful client

Thank you very much for the professional work. Immediately visible high-class specialists. Many agencies take the money, and no results.

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Due to the operational work of the agency's employees, my cell phone was returned as soon as possible. I could not even think that you can find it so quickly.

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Many thanks to all the staff of the agency "Private detective Nikolaev." Here, a team of true professionals, but the prices are quite affordable. Be sure to recommend you to their friends if they find themselves in a difficult situation.

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We will help to find a person for shadowing

Spying on people is a difficult task, requiring not only special knowledge of every nuance, but also many years of practice. After all, in this case, any mistake can lead to a fiasco.

Where can I order a video surveillance specialist?

Мы прекрасно знаем, что именно видеонаблюдение может решить многие проблемы и предоставить ту информацию, которую невозможно добыть никаким иным способом.

Professional surveillance of his wife

Jealousy - this is one of the most negative feelings, which from scratch can transform any dialogue into such a storm that there can not be any talk about any relations.


Who are we?

The scope of the detective agency is very extensive. So a team of detective agency "Private detective Nikolaev" working professionals: psychologists, criminologists, lawyers, polygraph examiners, experts in graphology and physiognomy, experts in various fields of technology and engineering. The effectiveness of investigative work provide operational staff with vast experience in law enforcement.

The geography of our agency

The agency " Private detective Nikolaev " operates not only in Nikolaev and Nikolaev region , but also in other regions of Ukraine , and if necessary in other parts of the world . Having a well- established contacts with the private detectives in Asia, Europe , Africa , Australia, North and South America gives us the opportunity to resolve many issues by remote , and travel to these countries for operational and investigative work. Cost of services of our agency does not depend on the region of Ukraine , where the work is performed.

What makes us different from law enforcement ?

To say that we are better law enforcement - can not, because there work "specially trained people " who have more authority. In our work we use a slightly different method and solve other problems . Our detectives are focusing their efforts on the specific task , and daily reports to the client for the work , which is not the state agencies. However, we have good cooperation with the tax , judicial, law enforcement , so that our results satisfy the customer.

We will not hide, cooperation with private detective agencies has its advantages and disadvantages.


· Private Eye will help you gather all the information that will be able to confirm or deny your suspicions .

· Since you will be working real professionals who will keep all information confidential, and your suspicions will not recognize foreign .

· We guarantee complete confidentiality , so the results of the work we are passing by hand delivery to the customer , without the involvement of third parties.


· The main disadvantage of cooperation with the private detective is the cost of his services. Unfortunately, it is quite high . However, the health and safety of your nerves ones worth it.

· In the field of running a lot of scams that take a lot of money , but do not carry out their work .

• If you spill the beans about what appealed to the detective , the scandal is inevitable.