
+38 (096) 691-07-07

Our agency guarantees efficiency, effectiveness and total privacy.

We are working even with anonymous clients.


He worked on a very important project. All information is stored on the laptop. In mains voltage spikes, and my computer was over, he would not start. After a few days to deliver the project all over again just do not have time. Many thanks to IT-specialists agency that helped me to recover all the information.

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I am a girl from quite a wealthy family. Met in a social network with a young man. Such a helpful, considerate, writes poetry. We started dating. He made me an offer of marriage. But crept into my mind doubt about it that I almost do not know anything, and he introduced me to his parents and friends do not want to. Decided to check it out. It turned out that he was a crook. Thank you very much, that was not given to me to make such a big mistake in my life.

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Vladimir Afanasevich

I have a steadily growing business. But I began to notice that all the best contracts simply "float away from under his nose" to our competitors. Became suspicious. Request verification of personnel. And it turned out that my deputy merges the information. Thank you very much for identifying dishonest employees.

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We will help to find a person for shadowing

Spying on people is a difficult task, requiring not only special knowledge of every nuance, but also many years of practice. After all, in this case, any mistake can lead to a fiasco.

Where can I order a video surveillance specialist?

Мы прекрасно знаем, что именно видеонаблюдение может решить многие проблемы и предоставить ту информацию, которую невозможно добыть никаким иным способом.

Professional surveillance of his wife

Jealousy - this is one of the most negative feelings, which from scratch can transform any dialogue into such a storm that there can not be any talk about any relations.

How to return a spouse in the family?

As though it was not nice, but none of us have insurance against parting with loved ones. It is especially difficult to avoid if the second half there was a lover or a mistress. But that's does not mean that you will definitely need to put on their life seed or bold cross point. Similar problems, in spite of their delicacy, though not easy, but settled in Detective Agency "Private Detective Nikolaev." Most importantly, you get asked as soon as possible. Naturally, this is also necessary, and your personal commitment to preserve the family. And you can not at all doubt the competence of our experts, who have a lot of experience in dealing with such issues. Already many families have gone through similar problems and were able to regain its former happiness, thanks to our participation. How no matter your situation is complicated, we will take all possible measures to solve the problem. And we will certainly use only an individual approach because, as practice shows, in these matters simply does not exist any standard solutions.

Over the years of its work, we realized one simple thing that no matter how much begged left side, no matter what tantrums are not rolled, no matter what the threat fell out of her mouth, it does not solve the problem, and did not help you return to your spouse . Therefore, it is not necessary to waste your nerves, time and energy trying to do something on their own. In such matters, it is very important manifestation of patience and elaborate steps. You can not do without the delicacy and sensitivity. And we guarantee that all of these essential qualities in the required amounts have our experts. So if you really set out to reclaim his soul mate in the family, then you will gain a little patience and, most importantly, to trust solution to this issue a real expert.

Most often, we start to work not with the fact of separation, and its cause, namely, the lover or mistress. It is sometimes the issue is resolved, and the person realizes that he can not live without your family. Do not think that we are using crime. All our actions are carried out solely by the law. But there are legitimate methods that will resolve this issue. Also, we do not use any supernatural or occult practices. In this regard, all of our staff are quite normal people.

Is there any danger to your spouse?

Love can not be explained by any words. And even there are such situations when the most faithful and devoted husband suddenly loses his mind and goes to another family. However, he did not think about the consequences, it is all the same, what would happen except the loss of his family. But he could easily lose not only credibility, but even its status, regardless of its size. Our experience shows that relations have become in some sense an industry where skilled trades in marriage scam. And it is not clear what exactly can end another, or even the first mad love. And it is possible that if you turn off the insult and desire to reciprocate, you can not only save your marriage and keep the person with whom he had once decided to link their fate, from the rather ill-considered action. Naturally, every nuance will stipulate our detectives. We are ready immediately after your treatment to make the collection of information about your opponent or the opponent, in order to understand how dangerous this man is. It is possible that even just the information collected is properly filed with your spouse will be the reason that he or she wants to come back again to the family. Of course, this applies not only to marriage scams, it is possible that in the past, a new passion was something that always discourage the desire of your second half to leave his home and go away from you. Sometimes some facts very quickly open their eyes and lead to feelings.

Or maybe the problem is you?

But do not always and everywhere to blame a soul mate. After all, sometimes we ourselves are guilty happen are that there is something wrong. Of course, the fact that over the years lost erstwhile appeal, energy and enthusiasm, this is understandable. The years take their toll. But the man has quite the opportunity as he can keep it all. And you can always find ways to solve problems, to save his own family and not to give it to fall apart just because you are older. Should I blame my husband that he began to look at other girls and women after you have ceased to themselves to look in the mirror and make an effort? We will not right now analyze each particular case. But clearly, the problem may be in these moments. Therefore, if your address, we will certainly pay attention to this part of the question. Of course, if you are ready. After all, this question is also quite difficult and somewhat intimate. Not everyone will be able to face the truth. But if you are ready to take this step, our specialists will certainly help you to understand what in you could affect this behavior of your other half. Moreover, we will make every effort to remedy the situation in this particular context. Your strengths will be highlighted. Naturally, for this to be carried out it is not a small job. But you can be sure of the result. We have repeatedly witnessed when their husbands return to their wives just bumped into them on the street, but has changed considerably. They met the woman who would again draw attention to themselves. Naturally, these encounters were not random.

We use the method of pickup

In the matter of the return to the family of a man who carried away her lover, or mistress, to do without this method it is extremely difficult, if not worked for other options. However, in the present case it is extremely useful in the methods which have been used before. It is important to gather information on the basis of which we will be much easier and quicker to pick up the seducer for your husband's mistress. And our task is not that this lady would really fascinated by someone and thrown your spouse, even though such a scenario is possible, but that it certainly knew who left seven people. In words, all may sound simple enough. But in fact, such work requires serious preparation and the indispensable participation of the best specialists. You can not act at random.

But this is very delicate psychological work also gives its expected and desired results. Against the backdrop of a strange infidelity people start to appreciate themselves of those betrayed by someone gone. They begin to understand that there is no one nearer and dearer to his wife, who for ten years or twenty tolerate it. There is nothing more to meet up with old friends families, not be every time all your friends a new passion. And our task is just to the right thoughts visited your loved one, those thoughts, which will push him to this difficult step, to return home.