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I'm raising a daughter. Now she has a difficult age, 15 years. She became withdrawn, decreased academic performance. I suspected that she contacted the wrong company. Agency staff helped me to save her daughter from the influence of bad company and bring it to the right path.

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Glukhimchuk Oksana

My family thanks the agency for a detailed and correct approach to finding the missing member of our family. Absolute comfort in communication, fast information exchange. Thanks! , +380939225868

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We will help to find a person for shadowing

Spying on people is a difficult task, requiring not only special knowledge of every nuance, but also many years of practice. After all, in this case, any mistake can lead to a fiasco.

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Professional surveillance of his wife

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Private detective in Ukrainian


Photo: For the "half" keep an eye


Legitimize any detectives in Ukraine

Who faced with this theme, he knows that the activities of Ukrainian private detectives at the moment is outside the legal field. And by and large, they are doing something that just is not prohibited by law. In principle, it can be said that they are as it is, but at the same time they were not there. And if there are any questions about it in terms of legalization, most of these organizations work as the media. But, however, it is now a very urgent need to ensure that all private detectives came out and worked on quite legally.

Will the rigid framework for the detectives?

Of course, to speak about the underground work of detectives is not necessary. It would be too unfair statement to law enforcement, with which they can also be called. Just the fact that while in the Ukrainian legislation does not provide standards which would in some way regulate certain activities of detectives. But it is also important to understand that this does not mean that this activity in such a case can be considered permissible. It will be fair to say that certain services are just outside the legal field, and should certainly be banned. According to the lawyer Igor Malovskogo These services include wiretapping facilities, conducting surveillance.

In the parliament was submitted a draft Law of Ukraine "On private detective activity) April 12th. It is in line with this project and it is expected to legalize the work of private investigation. And it should be noted that the ability of investigators remain wide enough, they will even be allowed to conduct record and keep filming. But to collect information about any facts of private life, of course, it will be prohibited. This includes the issue of religious and political beliefs. It would be foolish to believe that they themselves are waiting for the detectives did these innovations, and third-party regulation. Of course, such changes have certain advantages. For example, investigators will be able officially to pay taxes, as well as be able to provide new jobs, as well as receive them. At the same time the activities of agencies will have a clear framework for which the investigators will not be able to get out. Especially that the adoption of this law, all the activities of such organizations will be under strict supervision of the Interior Ministry, which will certainly entail some responsibility if any violations.

At the same time Vladimir Moysik, who is the author of this project, believes that the law will allow a certain way to make changes in the work of law enforcement agencies through their closer cooperation with detectives. He also provides a comparison with those of other countries that have already adopted similar laws. In these states, law enforcement officials have a more responsible and serious approach to work despite the fact that detectives falls part of the definition of responsibilities and the work that does not correspond to the rules of law enforcement.

Jealous relax

Given the fact that there is such a body, which would deal with the registration of existing detective agencies, it is difficult to determine the exact number at the moment. But clearly, it reaches a few thousand. At the same time almost all the detectives as vying argue that experience no shortage of customers. And judging by the coordinator of the detective agency "Conrad" George Konrad, the most common treatment, although such statistics are also extremely difficult to maintain, come from individuals than from the representatives of the companies. The most frequent treatment are connected with the search for people. Customers detective agencies are trying to find distant relatives, business partners, superiors and subordinates, which worked once, debtors, former husbands and wives. The number of unknown individuals enter and personalities - movie stars and singers. Here are just a need is in private investigation, due to the fact that law enforcement agencies will not seek a higher designated people. It is also very concerned about the population in dire question of infidelity. And during such investigations may require only a couple of competent actions, but in some situations it is possible that will have to conduct a range of activities. The cost of a private detective is not available to everyone. For example, if we talk about finding people here will have to incur costs of approximately two hundred and fifty - five hundred dollars. But it is revealing of adultery will require you to pay the daily cost of detective work about three hundred and fifty dollars.

According to Yuri Sergeyevich did show significant activity and business owners. Often superiors via detectives tend to check their staff for work and loyalty to the company, trying to find the spies, as well as the opportunity to uncover financial fraud. And if you own your own business, you can use the detectives assemble a dossier on their competitors. Not rarely used and lie detector, which allows fast enough to identify the perpetrator of the theft or leakage of information. This service will cost you a half thousand hryvnia. And to check the premises for the presence of bugs, you will need to spend ten dollars per square meter.

How to take the act?

The work of private detectives is sometimes very unpredictable and not infrequently leads them to the most unusual situations. As says Yuri Conrad once asked him to help a man who began to suspect his wife of infidelity. Just a woman became very much to stay at work, in its arsenal were new and not very cheap jewelry. Well, what thoughts can induce it? As a result of the investigation as it became clear that a woman a secret from her husband started their own business.

There are other cases when it is necessary to investigate not have perfect betrayal, and its provocations. Among the customers there, both men and women. And sometimes you just bought spying man. And one such situation was due to the fact that the customer decided to make surveillance itself. He just wondered how experienced detectives, to which it has addressed with a non-standard request. There are also quite curious cases. For example, a head of the company decided to hire a detective to work under the cover of "Sales Manager" to find out who is a traitor to his staff. And the very first day of the announced to all employees that are now in their collective working detective, but no one knew who he was. And the perpetrators are identified. It is difficult to pass, that at that moment happened to this detective. But it was originally created simply excellent legend. And we expect that the result will be very soon. Assistance in preparation of the material had a detective agency "Conrad» (

And what happens abroad?

Naturally, every country has its foundations and practices. And it concerns including the activities of private detectives. For example, in Russia since 1992, the law that regulates the work of private investigators. And thanks to this law, only in the period from 192 to 1994 started to work more than six thousand security companies. But in England the number of detectives almost two more than the law enforcement themselves. At the same time, the US budget agencies in more than half than the budget of the police with the number of employees, reaching one million. This is already an indication that detective work is really needed, including Ukraine. And, then, really need to take certain measures that would allow the detectives to work in accordance with the law.

In writing the article was used material from Anne Goncharenko rooms "Arguments and Facts in Ukraine" №16 dated 21 April 10