
+38 (096) 691-07-07


Our agency guarantees efficiency, effectiveness and total privacy.

We are working even with anonymous clients.


I can not believe that European methods and forms of work and finally came to Nikolaev. Agency staff solved my problem correctly and professionally. And the price I was pleasantly surprised. Thank you very much.

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I thank the staff of detective agency "Private detective Nikolaev" for checking my machine for "bugs". We have to find these devices and my car was in front of me, not stolen and resold.

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Kovalenko Alexander Vitalievich

We express our sincere gratitude to the detective agency "Private detective Nikolaev" Thank you for the high professional level of staff, for the experience and ability to perform complex tasks in the shortest possible time. We would like to note your attention to detail, and the guaranteed…

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We will help to find a person for shadowing

Spying on people is a difficult task, requiring not only special knowledge of every nuance, but also many years of practice. After all, in this case, any mistake can lead to a fiasco.

Where can I order a video surveillance specialist?

Мы прекрасно знаем, что именно видеонаблюдение может решить многие проблемы и предоставить ту информацию, которую невозможно добыть никаким иным способом.

Professional surveillance of his wife

Jealousy - this is one of the most negative feelings, which from scratch can transform any dialogue into such a storm that there can not be any talk about any relations.


Security services

On the basis of our detective agency created by a private security company in Odessa, which is constantly expanding its activities on the territory of Ukraine. Security agency in Nikolaev offers its assistance in providing the following services:

conducting collection;
protection of human life;
protection of plants and other facilities;
protection and maintenance of goods.


The main processes of the banking system (loans , attracting deposits, the sale of securities ) are always accompanied by encashment of bank - the collection and transportation of currency between departments and organizations.

Collection of Ukraine is always associated with risks. Many banks are trying to save money transported in unprotected ( non-armored ) vehicles. For the safe transport of cash is best to hire the services of employees of the collection service , which is carried out by qualified personnel in a large park Collector car .

Protection of human life

To date, the bodyguard in Ukraine - a very popular and in demand profession . Professional security guards are not only excellent physical condition , but also can detect potential threats in time and put it under control.

Bodyguard - is a person who has knowledge of biomechanics , psychology and physiology. Protection of human life , safety - his primary goal. Protection of individuals accompanied by a continuous search and miscalculation of risk , as well as options for protection from it under any circumstances.

Bodyguard in Nikolaev - a man with an iron discipline , which has organized his life so as to perform their jobs effectively .

Protection of plants and other facilities

Enterprise security - is, first and foremost , the safety of confidential information, personnel , and property . Ensuring the security of the enterprise implies protection from potential and real threats to ensure its proper operation.

To do this, apply the following security features :

technical (installation of security systems , installation of video - radio , etc ) ;
institutional ( Organisation and structures for enterprise security , physical protection of facilities ) ;
information (print and video production, which is aimed at the protection of confidential information).
Security companies in Nikolaev is aimed at ensuring the security companies by protecting his wealth , objects and territories .

Protection and maintenance of goods

With the development of economic ties has increased the growth of cargo traffic. But transport loads of unaccompanied still dangerous. Maintenance of cargo specially trained people - a guarantee of delivery in the integrity and safety of the destination. Security Company in Nikolaev guarantees delivery of goods specified in the contract period by any mode of transport. Maintenance of goods carried out by trained staff , responsive to changing situations .