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Verification of real estate transactions

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Yulia Sergeevna Babko (Korotkova)

I am grateful for the help in finding information about the competing company! We answered the request very promptly and accurately. We collected the necessary information within one day, although the request was very complex. I will recommend your company to my friends and colleagues!

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Dmitry Topchy

Your detective agency is distinguished by its efficiency and accuracy in its work. Tasks are completed on time.

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Spying on people is a difficult task, requiring not only special knowledge of every nuance, but also many years of practice. After all, in this case, any mistake can lead to a fiasco.

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Verification of real estate transactions

Checking the registration of real estate transactions in Nikolaev

We all know the famous saying, "My home - my castle". But unfortunately, not everyone who buys home of your own, can boast of such happiness. Quite often, an event marred by unpleasant circumstances. To avoid becoming a victim of criminals, before buying their own homes need to ask how to buy real estate.

In Ukraine, the purchase of real estate may be subject to the following risks:

· Acquisition is not the object that advertised ;

· The seller has no legal grounds for the sale of the object: it is not its owner, has no legal documents for the exclusion;

· Purchase of real estate in Odessa , which is located in the loan collateral ;

· Purchase of real estate, which is under judicial custody , and it challenged the right of ownership;

· After the advance payment scam may initiate legal failure of the operation.

To ensure the legality of the transaction is best to seek the assistance of the experts who have great recommendations . Detective agency " Private detective Nikolaev" at the professional level checks of the property . Our lawyers know how to check the apartment, office , warehouse or other property prior to purchase. Buying real estate in Odessa , with the participation of specialists of the agency will protect you from fraud , because we know exactly how to safely buy an apartment.

In today's market of real estate fraud are increasing . Therefore, everyone should know the simple rules of how to check the property prior to purchase. The competence of our lawyers is to collect the following information:

· Whether the seller has the right to carry out this operation . In other words, we determine what rights the seller on a property when he purchased it , is not whether the apartment is under judicial custody or loan guarantee ;

· Do not have ownership of the premises by third parties , of which the seller intentionally did not tell you ;

· Do not have a property illegal alterations and reconstructions ;

· Who is registered in the apartment , and what implications this may have for you.

If you're worried about how to buy real estate in Odessa , the best response is to seek the help of a detective agency " Private detective Nikolaev ." Of course, a solution to this problem, you can help and agent , but its capabilities in this area are very limited and do not need to dismiss his interest in carrying out the transaction. In any region of Ukraine real estate inspection can be carried out with the participation of our specialists. We'll tell you how to buy real estate without the real estate agencies .

Verification of the property by our agency is no matter in what region of the country it is located. In no time we will gather for you all the information about the apartment , house, office , warehouse , etc. We provide full legal support in all phases of the transaction .