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All about crossing the border

Our agency guarantees efficiency, effectiveness and total privacy.

We are working even with anonymous clients.

Anastasia Petrova

My husband was frequently held up at work, go on business trips. And when he still was at home, our relationship did not develop: a tense atmosphere, the constant scandals. I decided to see if he has another woman. With this question, I turned to the detectives. Results did not have to wait long.

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Friends advised me to invest their savings in the construction company. But as often on television show about real estate scam, I was afraid to make this important step. Seek help from a private investigator, I boldly invested in building a new home. Now I have my own apartment. Thank you very much!

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I thank the staff of detective agency "Private detective Nikolaev" for checking my machine for "bugs". We have to find these devices and my car was in front of me, not stolen and resold.

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We will help to find a person for shadowing

Spying on people is a difficult task, requiring not only special knowledge of every nuance, but also many years of practice. After all, in this case, any mistake can lead to a fiasco.

Where can I order a video surveillance specialist?

Мы прекрасно знаем, что именно видеонаблюдение может решить многие проблемы и предоставить ту информацию, которую невозможно добыть никаким иным способом.

Professional surveillance of his wife

Jealousy - this is one of the most negative feelings, which from scratch can transform any dialogue into such a storm that there can not be any talk about any relations.

All about crossing the border

All about crossing the border

In today's modern world, thanks to the opportunity at any time to take advantage of any transport, the distances between cities and countries have been greatly reduced. In just one day a person can visit several countries at once, which often happens in the world of business, politics and personal issues. But today there is also the opportunity not only to visit absolutely any country at any time, but to get maximum information about a person only after learning some details of how he made his trip. That is why many wives or husbands seek to find out information crossing the border of their second half, as this can largely confirm or disprove their suspicions of treason.

How to learn about treason from a trip?

Information on the border crossing can be extremely extensive. If your spouse has informed you that he is going on a business trip and is traveling alone, and then suddenly it turns out that he was accompanied by some beautiful lady, then the answers to all your questions are asking themselves. In particular, you can become aware of the date of crossing the border, which will allow you to see the general picture of what is happening. After all, it is not uncommon for such unfaithful spouses to return earlier than the scheduled time and spend this time not at home. Or they can not go anywhere at all. And even if you are given a ticket as proof, this can not yet be an absolute guarantee that the person actually crossed the border by train or plane, or by using any other type of vehicle.

What happened to the debtor?

Not less interest is enjoyed not only by spouses, but also by debtors who are sometimes ready to go even to illegal border crossing, just to avoid their obligations on payments.