
+38 (096) 691-07-07

Carrying out test purchases

Our agency guarantees efficiency, effectiveness and total privacy.

We are working even with anonymous clients.

Kovalenko Alexander Vitalievich

We express our sincere gratitude to the detective agency "Private detective Nikolaev" Thank you for the high professional level of staff, for the experience and ability to perform complex tasks in the shortest possible time. We would like to note your attention to detail, and the guaranteed…

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Grateful client

Thank you very much for the professional work. Immediately visible high-class specialists. Many agencies take the money, and no results.

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Detective Agency "Private detective Nikolaev" helped me to keep the family together. They saved me from unfounded suspicion. Thanks to you, I have more confidence in her husband. Thank you!

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We will help to find a person for shadowing

Spying on people is a difficult task, requiring not only special knowledge of every nuance, but also many years of practice. After all, in this case, any mistake can lead to a fiasco.

Where can I order a video surveillance specialist?

Мы прекрасно знаем, что именно видеонаблюдение может решить многие проблемы и предоставить ту информацию, которую невозможно добыть никаким иным способом.

Professional surveillance of his wife

Jealousy - this is one of the most negative feelings, which from scratch can transform any dialogue into such a storm that there can not be any talk about any relations.

Carrying out test purchases

Mystery shopping - carrying out test purchases

Every year in our country more and more popular mystery shopping, more known as "mystery shopping service." It is a method of marketing research, during which a specially trained people act as mystery shoppers and by conducting test purchases, estimate the level of operation and maintenance personnel of the company. The main purpose of such an exercise: to show what is hidden from the leadership.

Why is necessary to conduct test purchases ?

When the size of the company, product range and pricing will not have a particularly competitive values ​​to the fore a high level of service quality. Indeed, contemporary shoppers have become more sensitive and more demanding service to service at the time of purchase . In order to keep their customers and increase their loyalty to the company , the management of large corporations increasingly began to check the work of their employees. That's what you must have a mystery shopper .

Evaluate employees by the " mystery shopper " in Nikolaev are any enterprise , prosperity, which depends on the quality of customer service. The biggest demand this service enjoys among the large chain stores , travel agencies, commercial banks.

Mystery shopping helps you find the following tasks:

· Assessment of staff , his knowledge and performance;

· Staff motivation ;

· Audit of remote outlets ;

· Analysis of the competitive organizations.

Detective Agency " Private detective Nikolaev" provides service to a "secret shopper" in Nikolaev, and throughout the Mykolaiv region . If you want to know whether the quality of your employees interact with customers, our experts will develop a strategy and individual standards for assessing the quality of your company. Cost of service mystery shopping in our agency depends on the number of retail outlets, which should be carried out test purchases in Ukraine and the complexity of the task . We provide this service for several years , so our specialists are in this area worthy of experience and skills .